Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Back Pain: Using Physics Instead Chemistry

Advanced Pain Solutions uses an internationally patented technology, known as Hako-Med, for pain relief. Hako-Med is the most advance tool in the field of bioelectric medicine. For example, it has been proven to eliminate over 80% of pain in osteoarthritis. Hako-med essentially works by using a combination of AM and FM radio wave frequencies, which neutralize pain and stimulate repair by resonating with the area of injury. This non-invasive modality is safe, effective, and easy to use and has no negative side effects. Whereas a typical TENS unit creates a distraction from pain, Hako-Med actually increases energy in the body to promote healing and recovery from injury. This sophisticated technology, developed with German engineering, allows the physician the choice of 200 pre-programmed protocols or the ability to develop customized protocols based on specific patient parameters. The good news for our patients is that almost all insurance carriers cover this excellent pain treatment. Clinical indications and usages of Hako-Med include chronic pain, muscular dysfunction (e.g., atrophy, range of motion limitations, spasms, weakness, etc.), peripheral nerve pain, poor circulation, post-traumatic injuries, and post-surgical pain and prevention of thrombophlebitis. Hako-Med can be used in conjunction with, in alternation to, or independently from any other therapy. A typical treatment session can last anywhere from 10 to 50 minutes. When used alone, the recommended protocol for Hako-Med is three times weekly for 4 to 8 weeks. However, when used in combination with other therapies, Hako-Med works synergistically to accelerate the healing response and reduce recovery time.

Back Pain: Realistic Expectations

Ok, so I had a re examination with a patients today, nice man, has had back pain for 8 years and bouts of sciatica. He came to me in severe pain and we took some x-rays that showed he has a bad case of degenerated disc disease, that means the disc cushions have worn thin and the nerves are being irritated. The man is 78 years old by the way. So after the initial exam I told him what I tell every patient that I accept... I believe that this is the very best treatment choice for your condition and I expect your back to repair, in fact I would expect changes in 2 weeks, real changes that you will notice in how you feel and how you move. Ok. So he becomes a patient. I see him everyday for 2 weeks and he is 50% better by his own account. Not bad. We continue care another 6 weeks and I treat him 3 times a week. His pain continues to diminish and we add some exercising on a treadmill while he is breathing oxygen and getting muscle stimulation. He continues to improve. At the end of the program the man (78 years old) shows objective change on his re x-rays, 20% increase in his disc spaces, (yes I can do that, yes VAX-D does work that good) and he reports no pain on his paperwork I am reviewing his chart, thinking that this was a great case to post online, I am very proud. So after everything is done the patient says to me... "Well Doctor I guess this didn't work, I still have pain". Hmmmm. It turns out he still has a little bit of stiffness and pain after he gardens. He gardens NOW, he could NOT garden before the treatment for 10 years. So I said, maybe you need to easy back into it. In truth, maybe he has to change, or at least modify his routine. It takes 18-24 months for a disc to completely heal. Lets all be thankful there is a great non surgical option to actual cure your back pain and lets all understand there is NO MAGIC WAND that is going to turn back the hands of time. One of my mentors once said, "Patients are always in a hurry to get back to doing the stuff that got them sick in the first place." The Vax-D treatment is the best thing that has happen to back pain in the last 100 years, surgery only produces results 30% of the the time but with Vax-D I can repair over 80% of patients with severe pain. These results are show to last for over 5 years. Be thankful for the healing and be a patient, patient... slow and easy wins the race... You cannot force it any faster than your body will allow.

Sacroiliac Pain: Common Cause Of Back Pain

Your entire spine is sitting on top of a triangle called the Sacrum (sacred bone). This bone has what looks like 2 wings on each side called the ilium. These bones make up the sacroiliac complex. This weekend I was at the Florida Chiropractic Associations National Convention in Orlando and a friend of mine fell down a few steps and jammed his leg. immediately he had shooting pain into his sacroiliac complex on the right side. So much pain that he had to hold himself up with the stair rail. This sacroiliac complex had slipped out of place and injured, pulling local ligaments and muscles into torsion. I helped him to a bench and examined his condition. Right Sacroiliac Joint had moved posterior into subluxation. Gently I helped him onto his side and applied a simple chiropractic adjustment replacing the Sacroiliac joint into normal alignment. He looked up at me and smiled, rolled over and stood up. No more pain. We went to lunch and forgot about the whole fall. Chiropractic adjustments are powerful when given to treat the right problem. If you think you maybe suffering from a Sacroiliac Joint Disorder, give me a call and lets have a look. Usually it causes pain in the buttocks on one side and increases as you try to get up fro a seated position, but there are several exceptions. Sometimes a simple adjustment may be all you need to end your pain.

Natural Herbs For Back Pain

For ending back pain NSAIDS like Advil and Aleve work great, unfortunately they tend to produce some undesirable side effects when used for any length of time. Recently Advil has been linked to tendon damage. Patients with back pain can get relief using natural products like:
1. Ginger: 1000-4000 mgs a day, at least 5% Gingerols and Shogaols certified.
2. Turmeric: 900-1500 mgs day, 95% Curcuminoids
3. Harpagophytum Procumbens (Devil's Claw): 60 mgs a day

DO NOT TRY THESE HERBS IF YOU AR TAKING BLOOD THINNING MEDICATIONS. Make sure you see your doctor, herbs are medicine and have side effects just like prescription drugs. Also these herbs can only be taken for a 6 month period.

VAX-D Spinal Decompression For Back Pain

Vax-D stands for vertebral Axial Decompression. It looks like the old fashioned traction equipment or as some patients may joke, the rack from the tower of London, but is is completely different. Unlike traction Vax-D works by decreasing the pressure between the spinal vertebra (bones of your back) until a negative pressure is created in the spinal discs. The discs are like shock absorbers between the bones. This vacuum pulls in bulges and herniation away from the pinched nerves but also sucks in fluids. This is the real key to the Vax-D treatment. As fluids are allowed into the damaged spinal discs healing is increased. Scar tissue is formed and a permanent repair happens. These fluids can help patients that suffer from spinal stenosis walk longer without pain. Stenosis was a condition that previously required surgery to achieve any long term benefit. Vax-D is usually preformed daily for 4 weeks. Each session lasts about 40 minutes and patients are required to wear a brace for 2 hours post treatment and limit movements like bending forward or twisting. Results have been shown in multiple studies to last. The longest study showed 75% of patients who had Vax-D were still pain free 4.5 years later. The most recent study was done in 2005 by Independent Blue Cross, it was on 430 patients and reported an 88% success rate.